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(Long-Term Playbook™ Publication) Trilateral Business Development©

Starting a new business is an exciting time for any entrepreneur. The thrill of being your own boss and creating something from the ground up can be exhilarating. There's an impulse to just set up shop and watch the money roll in. However, you have to make sure you take the right steps to align yourself with success. With business, the beginning stages that pave the way to abundance are composed of three parts -- Foundation, Framework and Compliancy. In this article, I'll be sharing a brief overview of what these steps are, how I counsel my clients as The Enterpriser, and what makes the initial stages of building a business so vital to its future success.

My case study for today is a health and wellness company that focuses on a wide range of seamoss products. These wonderful people reached out to me looking to build their business the right way. They wanted to begin expanding their products immediately, but weren't sure about how to do so while also: limiting tax ramifications, keeping things legal on the city, state and federal level, and marketing their products effectively. I knew they wanted to move quickly, but I told them the truth—by putting in 1-3 years now of setting things up correctly, they would be saving themselves 10 plus years of error later.

I first advised them to consider their company's foundation. Think about a skyscraper— if the base is not secure then there will be no way to build upon it. Similarly, a business needs this solid footing too. A well-structured business means one that has a firm grip on taxation, legal, and accounting. This also includes obtaining the necessary business licenses so they can operate legally in their local city and/or state.

I next counseled these clients to take a look at their company's framework. Think about it like the scaffolding on that skyscraper, the bones of the business that help it reach the highest of heights. Framework includes branding, fine-tuning what products and services you provide, public relations, and marketing. It also extends to anticipating your business revenue, and creating your corporate structure i.e. building out your team.

Finally, my clients and I discussed compliancy. You've set up your business, and that's amazing, but you must ask yourself — am I constantly in line with local, state and federal regulations as I continue to operate my business? Working with a business developer like myself will help you keep an eye on things as your business continues to grow and thrive.

With these three pillars of business in place, their health and wellness company was able to thrive. They currently are approaching the 6-figure a year marker while maintaining a consistent customer base. They are underway and approaching their 3 year checkpoint, but their continual testimony is that the journey is well worth it as their business continues to grow.

Are you a business-owner looking for a guide in achieving your entrepreneurial goals? Then I invite you to schedule a time to speak to me and leverage my 12-plus years of experience in the marketplace. I offer multiple tiers of one-time business advisory sessions, and it would be my pleasure to assist you in building a lasting, thriving, enterprise. Click the link to schedule your Business Advisory Session

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